Thursday, August 17, 2006

To Marc (who responded) and anyone else who is interested in coming, i know pete mentioned the surprise 60th party for his dad on the 26th (next Sat.). It starts at 6:00 and Darryl's supposed to arrive around 7:00. It's at Pete's parents' house which i know y'all have been to, but if you need directions, just let us know. There will be plenty of food and beer so please come. I know i'd love to see y'all! Ethan will be there too, partaking in the festivities and throwing back a few brewskies!


Pimp Pride said...

We would love to come but Ron has to work and we wouldn't arrive until around 11. Tell Ethan to have a brewskie for Ron too! We hate to miss it! Maybe somebody can plan something in September in ATL and we can make arrangements to come then!

BruNance said...

It looks as if Bruce will have to work as well. Had hoped he could get out of it but no. Have a great time for us too.

--Marc Turnley--- said...

I'm coming if only to harrass Mr. Duke.