Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Aiighhtt...dunno if anyone is watching or not but...VH1 has a show called Rock Honors that runs from 9-11 tonight. I missed the first 35 minutes but...the last 15 have been incredible. Watching Priest now...later...they are supposed to have Def Leppard. I heard Kiss was going to be on...I only hope I didn't miss it.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Just Want To congratulate pete on being the 69th poster. Since he's a poster child for so many things..hehehe.
it's been way too long for pete's music post of the we go...a little obscure lyric from a great car's from a band that was formed in the 70s and are still playing together today...saw them a couple of years ago. i would classify them as the ultimate 3 man band. bonus points for the members of the band...

" uncle has a country place...
...that no one knows about...
...he says it used to be a farm...
...before the motor lawn...
...and on sundays i elude the eyes and hop the turbine freight... far the outside wire...where my white haired uncle waits..."

We went to Lake Oconee this weekend with Pete's parents and stayed at his aunt's lake house. Here's our little fisherman ready to fish. He kept sticking his hand in the minnow bucket and was playing with the live minnows. We're getting his redneck training started early!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Not sure what everyone is doing at the end of June but wanted to invite anyone and everyone to a barbeque at my house on June 24 . It is a sort of joint birthday party for my sister in law and myself. Please come if you can ---children and parents are welcome.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My thoughts need a passport cause my mind travels.
Since we are heading to Key West in just under a week, and since Hemingway has written a line or two for people to read, I was hoping to get some good reading suggestions for the summer. Sure I still have all the Russian hardship tales and love stories in My collection, but i am always looking to expand my reading horizons.
Read any good books lately?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A rare bird has been sighted...Elvis is in the get the picture...Pete is posting a serious post.

As all of you know (at least I think), my Dad has Crohn's disease and has been battling it since the early 70's. Well...annually, the CCFA has a walk in Atlanta and this year, I am setting up a team that will walk in his name and will try to raise money for the foundation. I have set a fairly lofty goal for a first time team but...I think it is attainable.

If you would like to join the team and walk on September 17th or contribute what you can, we would greatly appreciate it. Here is our team's website (nothing fancy)'ll work:

Please feel free to forward this on to anyone you see fit.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I have been lurking.

I probably won't get to see Steve before he leaves, so in honor of Steve and by request of Missy, here's a picture of Steve and Missy's old dog Peanut. (It was during the wedding shower/New Year's trip to New Orleans.) I still am amazed at your ability to sleep during any circumstance!

Jim & I are coming to Huntsville June 6 (Tuesday) - June 12 (Monday). Hopefully, we'll get to see several of you while we are there. (We're not going to Altanta during this trip though.) Nancy & Ron - Let me know if there is a better night than others to come see you.

No real news here, except that I retired in January. I decided that my job was too stressful, so I left. Now, I'm taking french lessons for fun, and Jim & I are taking salsa lessons as well. Jim is still a hockey player/fanatic.

Missy had her third child, a girl, last Tuesday. (She has identical twin girls who are about 2.5 years old.) I forgot to ask her if I could post the particulars. I'll check with her first and then post if she's okay with it.

We're having our pool resurfaced and retiled, so it should be ready for the summer. If anyone wants to come visit us, feel free. (September is the best pool weather. July and August are so warm and humid that it feels like laying in a warm bath while sitting in a sauna.) There's nothing like a vacation to Houston in the summer!

Marc - Could you send another invitation to Missy? Her old one didn't work. Also, did you invite Matt and Tonya? I have an e-mail for Tonya if you need it. (I tried to send some invites, but at least according to the "Help" instructions, I didn't have the right kind of account to send them. Oh well, maybe I just missed something.)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

aiightt...because i just went through a bunch of college stuff at my folks...and found something interesting...more t-town trivia...maybe more informational and not nonetheless...

anyone remember your phone numbers from the apartments we (even the kiddos on the plains) lived in? if you can go one even better...anyone remember the phone numbers from the dorms (i saw those in the stuff i went through but...can't recall them)?

i remember mine (and marc's) because i only had one from the time i moved out of the was...

205-750-0860 (had such a nice ring to doom ch)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

t-town trivia...

every fall semester (and i think once or twice spring) a particular grocery store would have a blowout on one particular brand of beer by the case...

1) name the store
2) how much did the cases sell for
3) name two brands that they blew out (i only remember 3 total)
pete's music post for the week...if it were not for this song...i would have probably kept listening to hair bands and 70s introduced me to a whole new genere of music and my favorite spouse introduced me to it.

" me, show me, show me how you do that trick..."
"...'the one that makes me scream' she said..."
"...'the one that makes me laugh' she said..."
"...and threw her arms around my neck..."
"...'show me how you do it..."
"...and i promise that...i promise that..."
"...i'll run away with you'..."

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Drunk Test Part 2

Originally uploaded by brilliant Z.
Commando X fails his own self-administered Drunk Test.

The Drunk Test

Originally uploaded by brilliant Z.
"How many fingers do you not see?"


Originally uploaded by brilliant Z.

The Funnest People on The Planet Award Goes To...

Originally uploaded by brilliant Z.
...Ms. Pants and the Dork in the Hat.

The Whitest People On The Planet Award Goes To....

Originally uploaded by brilliant Z.
...Barb and Pete!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sorry I missed everybody Friday night. I ended up sick as a dog all night so it's a good thing I didn't stay. I probably would've gotten all of ya'll sick too. Hopefully I'll make it to the next shindig.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Has anyone seen the new Krystal commercials that appear to be interviewing college students? I've seen three of them and two have been at UA with the other being at UT.

Anyway...I think that the Krystal on 82 is the one in the commercial and it looks like footage from campus.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by brilliant Z.
There's a reason they call him the Pimp.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I think I've got our schedules changed around so we'll be there on Friday. Can't wait to see everyone, so just save a spot on the floor for us. What kind of band is Andy in anyway?
What do you guys think of a Canoe Trip on Memorial Day weekend OR May 21st in Birmingham?

James lives "a stone's throw"(@1/4 mile) away from a canoe rental on the Cahaba.

If not Memorial Day or May 21st, then when?

Keep in mind that Steve will be leaving in early June.

Hey Gang, Since we're all gettin together on Friday, why don't we get together and eat. Amie ran across an idea while thumbing thru a Rachel Ray cookbook. Check this website out. . Think you want to eat here? They take reservations. Lets think about it and Git-R-Done!

BTW, Check out Wolfmother! Say whatever happened to seventies hard rock? Here it is, a groove slightly transformed...Just a little bit of a break from the norm."

Friday, May 05, 2006

pete's music post for the week...this time...for the one and only pimp...

"one life...i'm gonna live it up...
...i'm takin flight...said i'm never gonna get enough...
...stand tall...i'm young and proud...
...i'm on top as long as the music's loud..."
here we go with another blastola from the pastola...

prior to living at the elegant establishment pride's court...we lived on 15th st. where some nights we would shoot off fireworks...on one given night...we got caught...what was the officer's name that caught us?
No matter how seriously Nancy takes it, remember it's YOUR birthday and you can dance how you wanna.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

As we all know, chairs are intended for sitting in, but not for our little daredevil, Ethan. He obviously thinks it's funny to tempt fate by standing in his and rocking it!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

MAY 12, who's in?

I talked James today and he's committed the fam to coming to ATL for Andy's band at The Dark Horse. I've also spoken with Ron and I'm pretty sure he and Amie are going to be here as well.

Is anyone else coming?
Ok. A Pitcher of Beer with a shot of SoCo for the answer to this one. Name the venue where three dollar beers were the most enjoyable.