Sunday, August 13, 2006

In honor of Pete's Birthday I was going to post a picture of Pete but then I realized I didn't have a good pic so I decided to post 3 things that Pete loves:

Dog nuts
and Coke

...not necessarily in that order.


Karen said...

Believe it or not, Pete's gaseous emissions have greatly improved. Don't know what happened, but they are few and far between and rarely ever stinky. I know, I know, he won't seem like the same ol' Pete without the horrid stinkiness.

Oh, and you can add hot wheels to the list of things not included. He's obsessed with them and now he's got Ethan loving them, too.

Steve said...

A pete without farts is like day without night, like peanut butter with no jelly.....or Sunny without Cher, well, well you get the idea, all I can say is that it's a sad sad day when pete is no longer known for the "horrid stinkiness" fact the way I see it, it's only half a Pete!!
Happy B-day Pedro

BruNance said...

Are you sure tha's not the right order? Happy Birthday , Pete!