Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Duke Boys Update

Sorry it's been so long, everyone. Life in the Duke household is busy these days. Ethan turned 3 February 9th and Justin just turned 1 on March 12th. Both are doing well. Ethan is in preschool 2 days a week, which he loves. Justin is not walking yet, but it won't be long. He has taken his time doing pretty much everything so why would walking be any different! Justin is having some minor outpatient surgery next Wed. to have tubes put in his ears. He's had chronic ear infections since November. Hopefully this will make everything better for him. The wonderful thing is even with all the ear infections he's still a happy little fella most of the time.

I stay busy with the boys most days. My parents are both retired now and have moved just north of where we live so we see them quite a bit and they love to babysit. I have started working some....well, very little. I'm doing court reporting just two days a month. I don't even know if that qualifies for part-time. It helps to keep my skills and license up-to-date. Pete is still commuting downtown, which sucks, but he's my sugar-daddy so he has to bring home the big bucks.

We miss everyone and think of y'all often. We would love to see everyone sometime soon.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

As if my last post wasn't long enough

OK OK, I know I got all long winded with the last one, but I was pondering something while I was driving around today listening to Machinehead. Although, they are not black, or Death metal, their lead singer is angry. I like Angry singers. One thing popped out of angrysinging was the extreme difference between Christian music and Death, Black Metal(music). The Christiens are always happy and lifting their heads up, singing praises, and telling you how great it will be when they go up to meet him. On the other hand when you listen to Black/ Death metal with the anti-christian theme; Some of the music is about other religions like Norse, egyptian, et al,), there is an angry lyricist screamin, and growling about how false christianity and all its followers are wrong, stupid, and generally weak. Its just funny, they are not singing praises to their chosen god. I guess they are afraid of falling out of favor of the real religion of money:0! Just my thought. Oh yeah, James have you heard of Polkadot Cadavre? I heard that if you have not, you can listen to Mr. Bungle. Til Next time. MEtal dreams!

Good things come to those who wait long enough

Thanks Marc for sparkin'n the flame to a new missive on our crazy lives. Noah will be celebrating his first Birthday this weekend. Anybody in town is more than welcome. Anybody who wants to come is more than welcome too. Just let us know. I got to buy dogs, burgs an beer. Amie's big sister,Jenny, will be having her little girl tomorrow. Those are the goings on in our little world.
Jennifer, if your mom has not already thrown my little black book out, its ok to do so. Thank her and you for holding on to it so long. Hope you guys are doing well.
Marc, how was LA? I saw that it causes you to strip and drink Malt Liquor, but we need more details.
PEte and Karen, Happy birthday to baby Justin! I'm sorry I don't know Ethan's birthday.
I haven't forgotten every body, but if I didn't mention you specifically, I recognize you in spirit(s). By an by, I have recently(months) been in contact with Eric(my old roomie) and Josh( My big alter ego from the Russian class) Both are doing well. Eric is working at Mercedes now, making major dollars, and Josh is considering getting a teaching degree down in FLA.

My one Blog posting, nonpersonal lands in the musical realm. I have not been keeping up with much music lately. I beleive that not alot of good music is coming out. Thats a narrow view I know, but if you have suggestions let me know. One thing in the last few bands I have been noticing, is that the new bands are young. I told you guys some time ago about Avenged sevenfold from Cali. Thse boys were only 17 at their oldest, but churning out some mean hard rock/metal. I was listening a few days ago to Sirius 27 HardAtak and heard a song, "Shockwave" from a band called Blacktide. The lead singer sounds like the lead singer from Tesla, and I was sure it was a band comprised of old rockers. Well, I went to Wikipedia and found that this was a group of 14 and 15 year old churning out their fist album, on March 11th. I was shocked, but looking forward to more form this band. Another band I like is Three inches of blood. This is one of Slipknots members side band. I'm not sure which of the dudes is in it, but it RAWKS! There are two vocalists, which is awesome. One of the guys sounds like Rob Halford from Judas Priest. The other guy growl;s with the best of them. The reason I have not reported on rap as of late, is because I believe that there has been a death in the family. There is no new, good stuff coming out. 5o cent sold out, KaNYE NEEDS TO COME OUT, and the game has been played. Dre is due to come out with a new project, but its been talked about for two years now. Eminem is due out soon, but nothing more to talk about. Snoop has a new one, but the last album wasn't worth handling. Again, if anybody has any suggestions, I am open. I thank you for your attention.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Long Time, No Post

I think Pete made this video. No, really.

I have a show coming up on May 6.
If you own a camera and have $20 feel free to join in on the fun.