Tuesday, March 11, 2008

As if my last post wasn't long enough

OK OK, I know I got all long winded with the last one, but I was pondering something while I was driving around today listening to Machinehead. Although, they are not black, or Death metal, their lead singer is angry. I like Angry singers. One thing popped out of angrysinging was the extreme difference between Christian music and Death, Black Metal(music). The Christiens are always happy and lifting their heads up, singing praises, and telling you how great it will be when they go up to meet him. On the other hand when you listen to Black/ Death metal with the anti-christian theme; Some of the music is about other religions like Norse, egyptian, et al,), there is an angry lyricist screamin, and growling about how false christianity and all its followers are wrong, stupid, and generally weak. Its just funny, they are not singing praises to their chosen god. I guess they are afraid of falling out of favor of the real religion of money:0! Just my thought. Oh yeah, James have you heard of Polkadot Cadavre? I heard that if you have not, you can listen to Mr. Bungle. Til Next time. MEtal dreams!

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