Sunday, March 18, 2007

Noah G In Tha House

Hey Everyone! He's finally here. Noah Grant Philpot Entered into the world at 4:50 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon. Amie was also induced early because of some potential "BIG" baby complications. Noah decided he didn't want to hurt his pretty little head in the birth canal; so he Hit some switches, caused Amie's stitches and was out via c-section for the world to receive him. He came out at 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 21 inches long. Amie and he are doing well. He is healthy and he is happy to be home. We are truly blessed to have this child in our life.


BruNance said...

Congratulations! Pimp pride will be carried on for genertions to come :)

Pete said...

Ron and Amie...that is one beautiful...future pimp you've got there.