Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Anybody Read Prick?

I didn't think so. But just in case you needed something for the birdcage some of my pix will debut in Prick Tattoo magazine in August.

If you want to see more Calu (the hot chick w/ the 20 gauge) check out the photoset of commercial stuff on my Flickr page. I'm still uploading all of the pix and I don't know which one they're gonna use.

And no, I don't have any tattoos...other than that one of Rosie on my ass.


Karen said...

Can't say i've read that one, but your pictures are really cool. I didn't know you were into photograpy now. You're good!

--Marc Turnley--- said...

thanks. i'm no jimmy but i'm learning and squeezing a little money out of it.

btw, where the heck is jimmy? did he and j fall off the face of the earth?